Life Skills

Challenges come to us in myriad forms. The most successful amongst us are the ones who have shown persistence and grit in developing themselves personally and professionally. We commonly witness many bright young minds doing exceedingly well in their academics, but floundering later in their professional careers. Similarly, we witness many instances of mediocre performance in schools and colleges but exceedingly successful and rewarding professional careers later on. The cutthroat competition, staggered work schedules, and changing family values and dynamics are creating new challenges, paradigms and perspectives for us.

Emotional intelligence today has more importance than simple intelligence quotient. Success in life not only demands the right skills, it also asks for the right mindset, the right attitude and the right perspectives and outlook towards work and life. In the west, people are increasingly clamouring for the wisdom of the east to seek solace and peace in their hectic daily chores. And in the east, people are increasingly looking for the best of the west – holistic education, economic progress and objective study.

At T | L | N we incorporate the best of both worlds (the east and the west) with highly customised, short duration courses on Life Skills to cater to the needs of young school students as well as seasoned corporate executives.