If you have drafted your Essay as per the guidelines given below, you may proceed to submit your essay here.
Before submitting your Essay at the above link, please read these Guidelines carefully.
1. All participants are advised to initially register for participation in the essay contest through the Registration Form available here.
2. Such contestants who have already registered can submit their essays in proper format. The contestants are first of all advised to take 2-3 printouts of the T|L|N Essay Writing Sheet (format is available here) on an A4 paper and write their essay in their own handwriting on the same. The required personal details must be filled in properly. If you use more than one page, please ensure that you fill in your personal details and page numbers on all pages. Minor variations in word limit (up to 100 words) are acceptable.
3. A scanned copy of the essay in the format supplied above (T|L|N Essay Writing Sheet ) in PDF (single file) would be required to be uploaded at the Essay Submission Link provided below.
4. There are several online tools for conversion of images to pdf. One such online service is,
5. The name of the essay file (in PDF) shall be the Telegram/Mobile No. of the contestant, i.e. in the format MobileNo.PDF. For instance, if someone’s Telegram / Mobile No. is 9876543210, the PDF filename shall be 9876543210.pdf. Kindly ensure that you abide by this guideline so that we may properly trace all the uploaded documents without any hassle. Kindly ensure that you abide by this guideline so that we may properly trace all the uploaded documents without any hassle. An essay file in any other filename or format shall not be accepted.
Declaration by the Contestant
By submitting this registration form, the contestant agrees to abide by the terms and conditions of the contest as furnished at and unambiguously permits The Learning Network to communicate over Telegram, SMS, Email, Whatsapp, Voice Call or any other electronic / physical mode any information concerning the subject contest and/or any other promotional, educational or consulting matter on which it may wish to communicate. The contestant may choose not to receive any communication by simply dropping an email to us and clearly informing us of such an intent.